Monday, December 19, 2011

The Reunion

Hi!!!! In August I had my reunion. I know it was a couple months ago, but my camera was in my rappelling backpack and it didn't have any batteries in it. Ok the reunion was AWESOME!!!!!! The theme was Dr. Susse ( I don't know how to spell it) and we choose, "There's a Walket in my Pocket!," and we had little walkets in our pockets at the dance and talent show. That was really fun. Now, time for the part of why I wanted to do this post. We went..................................................................................................................................................
RAPPELLING!!!! Dang it was so fun!!!! We went on like 8 rappels. My favorite one was the log one.
My dad and Shai's dad said that if we ( me, Shai, and Chaison) make it down the log, then we are a man ( for Chaison and the boys) or we were awesome if we make it. Chaison fell off it like 5 times, Shai fell off of it like 2 feet from the ground, and for the queen of rappelling, which is me, is awesome because I made it. I went down the log without falling and I was the youngest person there!!!!!!! Here are some more pics
There is our camp.
There's me, my dad, Shai, Chaison, and there dad.All of the people that came was shai, Chaison, there dad, Josh, my dad, and the queen of rappelling :-) and some other people that the queen of rappelling forgot. It was so fun. The next day, shai and i found....
 This thingy it is probably a cart or something.
 Thats Shai ridding the cart.

And this is the queen of rappelling. This week at the reunion was fun and I can't wait tell next time we go.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My school year

Just to tell you, sorry I haven't done this for a while. I have been BUSY!!! With school and all, I have been the busiest person in the whole WORLD!!!!!!! I did volleyball, piano, choir, a math club, and school. 5th grade ROCKS!!!! but my backpack and binder weighs like a TON!!!!!! I get A's and B's in all subjects :-)  I love tetherball. ( If you don't know it, it is when 2 people trys to get a ball ,on a rope, around a pole) It's so fun!!! :-) I just did my winter choir preformince  and it was SO fun. That is probably it for this post. TTFN.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day of School

Hello everybody!!! And welcome back to my blog. Today is the third day of school. Now I am in 5th grade. I have 3 teachers. Ms. Crowe is my home room teacher. Wow.......................................................................... That was the end of my blog page. I guess. Well I hope you liked it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Raingutter Regatta

Hello friends and family welcome back to my blog. Last night there was something called a Raingutter Regatta and that is when the boys (or Mavericks scouts) race boats. Just to tell you there were 5 more people racing there.
                                           This was Mavericks Perry the Platupus boat.
                                   Now this one Maverick won and the other one and the other one.
                                        In this clip Maverick beat Jonathan. Good job Maverick!
                                     Maverick and Tyler got second place for winning 6/10 races. In your face Tyler!
And this is my own regatta stick. After I played Tyler and he beat me all 3 times. Well, because the first two he cheated, and on the third one mine got kind of stuck so he and I was almost tied. Well, that was Mavericks Raingutter Regatta race at the church.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lake Mead

Hi everyone!!!! Welcome back to my blog. The other day my family, Shai's family, me and shai went to Lake Mead on our boat. We went out to a beach. We had dinner and we swam. The water was really warm and green. There were a lot of seashells there. Later me, Shai,Elexi ,Kade, (Shai's twin brother and sister) and shai's mom and dad went on a really cool boat ride. Me and shai were soaking wet and went we went the wind was our blow dryer. Then we went over to a place, on our ride, and Shai's dad went and put ropes on the boat and Shai, her dad and I went and tried to climb up. Then we went back to the beach and then we played for a little while longer. Then it started to get dark and we headed back. And that was when we went to Lake Mead. :-) :-) :-) :-)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

BIG Change

Hello everyone!!! Now my mom wanted jovi to have her hair cut, so my mom cut her hair. She used to have red, black, and brown hair....

and now she is...
White and GRAY!!!!! My mom says that she looks like a rat but I dont think so. :-)